9 March 2017
Building thriving communities through diversity – British Sugar and the WISE Campaign
British Sugar plays a key role in building thriving, healthy communities around our advanced manufacturing hubs in East Anglia and the East Midlands. Increasing the number of women studying for future careers in science and engineering is important to build diversity in our technical and production functions.
What we did
In 2015, British Sugar became members of the Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) campaign. WISE enables and energises people in business, industry and education to increase the participation, contribution and success of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Working with other companies including Intel, Virgin Media, Bloomberg and Rolls Royce, WISE inspires girls and women to build careers using STEM subjects. Their aim is to get one million more women into the UK STEM workforce. WISE aims to boost talent pools from classrooms to boardrooms and drive economic growth.
A British Sugar Beet End Process Manager was appointed to WISE Young Women’s Board in 2015. Board members are successful young role models in their industries and a great asset to the WISE campaign, informing strategy and providing insight.
British Sugar supported the development of WISE’s ‘People Like Me’ education tool which aims to dispel myths about what typical science & engineering jobs look like, highlight the skills that are developed by studying science & engineering and providing support for young women who show interest and promise in science & engineering subjects.
Around 200 girls in secondary education have been engaged in understanding the opportunities for careers in science & engineering for young women and inspired by the experiences of the young women in British Sugar.
Since 2013 British Sugar has recruited 41 apprentices of which 4.8% are female. In the same time frame we have recruited 50 graduates of which 28% are female. For more information on British Sugar please visit: www.britishsugar.com.